Information according to § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)
This website contains only information and opinions of a general nature on legal issues and developments in the field of law and tax law in Germany. This information and opinions are neither complete nor can they replace legal advice. No liability can be accepted for any decision or action based on the information or opinions on this website. It is recommended that you seek legal advice before making any decision or taking any action. If you have a legal question, please contact us.
This website also contains links to other websites. These other websites are provided by independent third parties over which AMI Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH has no control and for which AMI Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH is not responsible. For this reason, no liability can be assumed with regard to the websites of third parties to which there is a link from this website, in particular not for the content, availability or your use of these third-party websites.
AMI Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 9
80539 Munich
Phone: 089-3219914-0
E-mail: info(at)
The company has its registered office in Munich and is registered at Munich Local Court under HRB 193525. The managing director with sole power of representation is: Lawyer/tax consultant Martin Arnold. The company has a branch office in Berlin, Kurfürstendamm 193 B, 10707 Berlin. The branch office can be reached at the following telephone number: 030-XXX
AMI Steuerberatungsgesellschaft GmbH has the VAT ID number: DE278555564
AMI Arnold Legal/Lawyer Arnold
Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 9
80539 Munich
Phone: 089-3219914-0
Various statutory and professional regulations apply to our professional activities. You can find information on these via the following links.
Tax consultants (Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants:
・StBerG - Tax Consultancy Act
・DVStB - Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Consultancy Act
・BOStB - Professional code of conduct for tax consultants
・StBGebV - Tax Consultant Fee Ordinance
Lawyers (Federal Chamber of Lawyers
・BRAO - Federal Lawyers' Act
・BORA - Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers
・RVG - Lawyers' Fees Act
The tax consultants and lawyers are licensed in Germany and are members of the relevant Chamber of Tax Consultants ( or the relevant Bar Association (
The tax consultancy is recognized by the relevant Chamber of Tax Consultants.
If tax advisors are also lawyers, they are licensed in Germany and are members of the bar association. The chambers are also responsible for professional supervision.
Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants
Nederlinger Street 9
80638 Munich
Munich Bar Association
Tal 33
80331 Munich
Information on professional liability insurance
Wiesbaden insurance office
Dotzheimer Street 23
65185 Wiesbaden